Tim Pirinen

Tim Pirinen
Realname Tim Pirinen
Nicknames "Timmy"
Notable skills

- Sample making

Tim is the son of Reijo Pirinen. He was admitted to C00LeS WaReZ UNiON on August 12, 1994 because of his sampling skills, so CWU could avoid having to rip samples. However, after he bragged around the school about being part of CWU and after Mika listened to Jyri's music, Tim was immediately kicked out of CWU and replaced with Jyri on September 16, 1994, at Mika's 13th birthday party. Tim was devastated at this sudden rejection and had to be comforted by the adults. Since that day, Tim has been an enemy of C00LeS WaReZ UNiON and a target of lamecaptures and other harassment tactics by CWU.