Mika Tossavainen

Mika Tossavainen
Realname Mika Tossavainen
Aliases mR. mEgAsTuFf
Born September 16, 1981
Nicknames "Mega"
"Mister Uproar" (Masa)
Notable skills Leadership

Mika Tossavainen, known in the scene as mR. mEgAsTuFf, is the founder and leader of C00LeS WaReZ UNiON. Mika is very strong-willed and once he gets an idea, he is unlikely to give up on it. He is the engine that moves the crew forward. On the other hand, he is quick to anger and often makes rash decisions, which can put him at odds with his crew members. His instinct is to disparage others and praise his own achievements, even when there is little truth behind it, and loudly reject authority. Because of his troublesome nature, and that of his family (his older sister Sari Tossavainen in particular), he has a somewhat negative reputation around the village.

Mika dislikes living in a rural setting and wants to move to the more modern Helsinki. He assumes a broken Helsinki dialect peppered with 1337speak, but when he drinks he slips back into the local Savonian way of speaking. Mika cares deeply about his crew and its members, but he does not often make this apparent and only tells them outright when intoxicated.