Reijo Pirinen

Reijo Pirinen
Realname Reijo Adolf Pirinen
Nicknames "Herpes-Dick" (Mika)

Reijo Pirinen is the father of Tim Pirinen and soon becomes the stepfather of Mika (AKA mR. mEgAsTuFf) after having an affair with Ritu, Mika's mother. Even before knowing Mika very well, Reijo already disliked him because of how Mika suddenly decided that Tim was a lamer and kicked him out of his crew. After spending more time in close quarters, Reijo and Mika gain a stronger mutual hatred for each other. Even after Ritu and Reijo are married, Mika refuses to go by the name Pirinen, which angers Reijo as he takes this as another sign that Mika has no respect for him. Reijo believes the only way to deal with Mika's delinquency is extremely strict supervision and violence. He is generally known as having a tyrant-like personality and sadist tendencies.