Osmo Karkkainen

Osmo Karkkainen
Realname Osmo Kärkkäinen
Aliases OH7MO
Notable skills - Electronics
- Ham radio

Osmo Kärkkäinen is the uncle of Mika Tossavainen and Sam Alarastas. He is extremely knowledgeable about subjects such as electronics, computers, and telecommunications, and so people in the Hautataipale area come to him first for help with their related problems. He is a valuable source of advice for the members of CWU, helping them find various hardware and networking solutions. He has the unique ability to explain technological concepts, such as hardware used by CWU, to the town adults in a way they can more or less understand. He tends to keep to himself, which makes him something of an outcast in the village. In the past he had been more openly politically radical and, though he has abandoned those ways, it is still occasionally brought up and leveraged against him. Osmo's hobby is amateur radio.

Mika, Sam, and Jyri at Osmo's apartment.