Kassu Kopsanen

Kassu Kopsanen
Realname Kasper Kopsanen
Aliases FaTHeR FuCKeR
Nicknames "Fathie"
Notable skills

- ASCII and ANSI art

Kassu is one of the initial 4 members of C00LeS WaReZ UNiON, and the classmate of Mika, Jyri, Masa, and Jussi. He is one of the more naïve members of CWU and does not hide his enthusiasm or keep secrets well. He also has a tendency to openly imitate those he admires. These traits tend to annoy or get in the way of the other crew members, so Kassu is often left out of more covert or serious operations, much to his dismay.

Kassu is the sysop of Tomhet BBS.