Jussi Hirvonen

Jussi Hirvonen
Realname Juhani Hirvonen
Aliases dA dArK ELiTE
dA dArK WaNKeR
Nicknames "Darkie"
Age 13
Notable skills

- Captures

- Sysop duties

- Physical combat

Jussi is in the same class as Mika, Kassu, Masa, and Jyri, and was one of the four initial members of CWU. He comes from an old and traditional Hautataipale family and takes pride in that fact. Due to his affinity for farm work and being a self-described "straight-backed Evangelical Lutheran," he has a good reputation around the village. He enjoys some of the same activities as the other locals, such as fishing. Jussi is the sysop of Frontline BBS.